Adrian und Johann in den USA

A wedding and some music

September 5th, 2006

So, here’s just a quick update of what we’ve been doing for any englishspeaking persons we haven’t met this weekend.

We travelled a bit more than a thousand miles last Wednesday and Friday, taking a one-day break in Nashville on Thursday. Nashville was great, as much countrymusic everywhere as one could possibly wish for (I know a lot of you could think of a milion better things to do than to wish for countrymusic, but I’m actually kinda starting to get into it). We saw two bands play that night in one bar, for free, and they were pretty good, they covered a lot of country classics. I also got to look into the country hall of fame, which was very neat indeed and got me a closer view at the history of countrymusic.

On Friday then we headed up to Cleveland to meet my family and celebrate my uncles wedding. It was a huge party with nearly 250 guests and a lot of food and alcohol. In fact, we started out with 65 bottles of vodka and ended up with none. I’m not gonna go on about the party because most of you were either there or read the german article by Johann.

Anyways, we had a great weekend here, spending time with my family and eating great food, playing backgammon, baseball and other fun stuff, and having a good time. Tomorrow we’ll head up north to Cleveland to visit some more family and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On Thursday then we’ll go west to Chicago and spend a few days there before we go to Wisconsin to visit a lot of old friends of mine.

OK, so that’s the plan,

See ya,


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